The MUSMET project aims to establish the foundation of a new social XR technology that enables the creation of Musical Metaverse systems and services for musicians and audiences, to achieve novel forms of musical expression and foster music performance and consumption.

The consortium aims to achieve this ambitious challenge by means of three breakthroughs:

  1. A socio-cognitive breakthrough by gaining a deep understanding of the emerging needs of contemporary musicians and audiences in relation to the Musical Metaverse, and by anticipating future trends;
  2. A technological breakthrough by developing radically novel Musical Metaverse platforms and devices that can exchange information among each other via ultra-reliable low-latency wireless networks, with privacy and security constraints;
  3. A musical breakthrough that exploits the technological and socio-cognitive ones by creating radically new concert formats involving musicians and audiences.

The project will deliver and make publically available several types of resources, including software, datasets, scientific publications, videos and other types of deliverables.